Image of two hands holding each other. One belongs to a young girl and the other to a woman.

Child First

HomeBehavioral Health ServicesBehavioral Health Services in North CarolinaChild First

What is Child First?

Child First is a proven early childhood program that fosters resilience in young children and families dealing with adversity. Research shows that stress in the home due to poverty, domestic violence, substance use, maternal depression, etc. affect young children with long-term emotional/behavioral, learning, and health problems. Child First works with very challenged young children and families, providing intensive, mental health, and home-visiting services. It mitigates the harmful impacts of poverty, trauma, and chronic stress.

Image of a smiling young boy sitting in his mother's lap with their foreheads touchingWho is eligible for Child First?

Child First services are covered at no charge for those enrolled in Vaya’s Healthcare Plan. We serve:

  • Children birth through five years of age with emotional/behavioral, developmental/learning programs.
  • Families experiencing challenges such as lack of basic needs, trauma, homelessness, parental mental health issues, poverty, and domestic or community violence.

How can Child First help my family?

  • Decrease stresses related to the needs of the family.
  • Improve child language, behavior, and social skills.
  • Connect families to community resources and service providers.
  • Provide tools to develop strong and compassionate caregiver-child relationships.

What are the results of Child First?

Studies indicate that Child First enhances mental health, school readiness, and reduces child abuse, significantly improving family health and wellbeing, both now and in the future. Although the benefits of Child First are many, here are a few measured results of the program:

  • 75% improvement in caregiver-child relationships.
  • 70% decrease in symptoms of depression in caregivers.
  • 68% decrease in child language problems.
  • 67% decrease in parenting stress.
  • 57% improvement in children’s social skills.

Image of a Black couple and their baby. The woman is smiling and holding the baby up in the air.I’m interested in receiving services. Where do I begin?

Download the Child First Referral Form and submit it to childandfamilyreferrals@rhanet.org.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where are Child First services provided?

Child First services are provided in your home environment.

Who will I work with?

Child First services are delivered by a two-person team:

  • Licensed Clinician: Specializes in early childhood development and works with caregivers and their children to build their relationships and promote healthy families.
  • Family Resource Partner: Coordinates care for optimal success, connects the family with community resources, helps identify sources of stress to overcome, and assists caregivers establish healthy routines and joyful activities with their children.

RHA’s teams receive intensive instruction using the research backed curriculum provided by Child First. Learn more at childfirst.org.

How often will you visit?

Visits are determined by partnerships with families. Typically, families receive visits twice per week during the first month, which is considered the assessment period. The family is then transitioned to one visit a week or more, depending on the needs of the child and family. Visits typically last 1 – 1.5 hours.

Can Child First help me with housing, financial resources, or babysitting?

While Child First does not pay bills, supply housing, babysit, or help with job seeking, we can:

  • Link you to agencies that offer financial support.
  • Connect you with agencies that offer childcare scholarships.
  • Work on housing options by connecting you with community resources.
  • Find agencies that can support you with obtaining employment.

How long do Child First services last?

  • Services generally last for 6 to 12 months, though they may continue longer based on individual family needs.
  • Services are voluntary, meaning you can stop at any time.

Why RHA?

RHA has been providing child and adult services since 1989. We share a deep commitment to provide quality and responsive services to those in need. RHA is accredited by the Council on Quality and Leadership (CQL) and the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).

As a company, we focus on helping people live their best lives through setting and reaching personal goals, forming and sustaining meaningful community connections and relationships, achieving positive outcomes in health and wellness, and more. The addition of Child First allows us to provide even more personalized, impactful care to the people we serve.

With questions about RHA’s Child First program, who should I contact?

We are happy to answer your questions about Child First. Please call 828.273.1377 or email childfirstnc@rhanet.org.

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