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Our Services


RHA is dedicated to supporting people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) as they strive for increased independence, personal growth, and opportunities in their communities. Our comprehensive disability network spans Georgia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, and serves both children and adults of every level of need. We partner with and celebrate people achieving their personal goals, having meaningful connections, experiencing positive outcomes in health and wellness, and more.



Friends with intellectual and developmental disabilities meet at RHA's residential facility for the intellectually disabled

Behavioral Health

RHA is a leading provider of high-quality supports and services for people with a variety of behavioral health needs in North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

We offer a wide array of mental health services for adults and children, provided by experienced and compassionate professionals. This includes facility-based, community-based, and crisis services.



Patients share in a group therapy session

Deaf & Hard of
Hearing Services

RHA Health Services offers a broad range of behavioral, developmental, and therapeutic support programs to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) and DeafBlind individuals in an environment free of cultural or language barriers. RHA serves people who utilize sign language as their primary mode of communication with our statewide Deaf and Hard of Hearing program in North Carolina and via PAHrtners Deaf Services, a division of RHA Health Services in Pennsylvania.



A man accesses deaf and hard of hearing services at RHA

Substance Use

RHA is committed to long-term substance use treatment and provides a full continuum of care in North Carolina to address addiction and recovery. We offer a variety of evidence-based practices, including crisis services, specialized opioid treatment, outpatient programs, and non-hospital detox. Our goal is to help each person we support understand their addiction and establish a commitment to recovery and maintenance. 



woman smiling during group therapy session at a rehab center

Crisis Services

RHA offers crisis services in North Carolina to support people in urgent situations and safely stabilize individuals in acute distress related to behavioral health, substance use, or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We offer a range of crisis support, available 24/7 to provide support whenever and wherever needed.



Crisis services through RHA's mobile crisis unit support individuals in distress

Care Management

RHA is a Certified Care Management Agency in North Carolina. Tailored Care Management is a North Carolina Medicaid service option. Those who choose Tailored Care Management have a designated Care Manager who, with the support of a specialized team, coordinates with their physicians, connects them with necessary resources, and creates a network of supports to achieve better health and quality of life outcomes.



A certified care manager discusses treatments with an older woman
Disability Services


RHA is dedicated to supporting people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) as they strive for increased independence, personal growth, and opportunities in their communities. Our comprehensive disability network spans Georgia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, and serves both children and adults of every level of need. We partner with and celebrate people achieving their personal goals, having meaningful connections, experiencing positive outcomes in health and wellness, and more.



Behavioral Health Services

Behavioral Health

RHA is a leading provider of high-quality supports and services for people with a variety of behavioral health needs in North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

We offer a wide array of mental health services for adults and children, provided by experienced and compassionate professionals. This includes facility-based, community-based, and crisis services.



Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services

Deaf & Hard of
Hearing Services

RHA Health Services offers a broad range of behavioral, developmental, and therapeutic support programs to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) and DeafBlind individuals in an environment free of cultural or language barriers. RHA serves people who utilize sign language as their primary mode of communication with our statewide Deaf and Hard of Hearing program in North Carolina and via PAHrtners Deaf Services, a division of RHA Health Services in Pennsylvania.



Substance Use Services

Substance Use

RHA is committed to long-term substance use treatment and provides a full continuum of care in North Carolina to address addiction and recovery. We offer a variety of evidence-based practices, including crisis services, specialized opioid treatment, outpatient programs, and non-hospital detox. Our goal is to help each person we support understand their addiction and establish a commitment to recovery and maintenance. 



Crisis Services

Crisis Services

RHA offers crisis services in North Carolina to support people in urgent situations and safely stabilize individuals in acute distress related to behavioral health, substance use, or intellectual/developmental disabilities. We offer a range of crisis support, available 24/7 to provide support whenever and wherever needed.



Care Management Services

Care Management

RHA is a Certified Care Management Agency in North Carolina. Tailored Care Management is a North Carolina Medicaid service option. Those who choose Tailored Care Management have a designated Care Manager who, with the support of a specialized team, coordinates with their physicians, connects them with necessary resources, and creates a network of supports to achieve better health and quality of life outcomes.