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Assertive Community Treatment Teams

Promoting Rehabilitation & Independence

RHA’s Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) services are community-based treatment services in North Carolina and Pennsylvania for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness or behavioral health needs. These teams are multi-disciplinary groups of mental health professionals that provide psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support services to individuals in their homes, communities, and office settings.

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Who Should Use ACTT Services?

A person who may benefit from ACTT services is someone who is not benefiting from the services of multiple, disconnected providers and is at high risk of hospitalization, homelessness, substance use, incarceration, and other difficult experiences.

ACTT promotes rehabilitation and independence by teaching people the coping skills they need to live in their own communities safely and productively. ACT teams often work with individuals who may resist services, and team members are trained in assertive engagement techniques. After receiving ACTT services, people often report a significant reduction in crisis situations such as homelessness, incarceration, or repeat hospitalizations.

To be eligible for ACTT services, an individual must meet the following criteria:

  • Has a diagnosis of schizoaffective, bipolar, or another psychotic disorder.
  • Is unable to participate or remain engaged in traditional outpatient services.
  • The individual meets at least two of the following criteria:
    • Has had at least two psychiatric hospitalizations in the past 12 months.
    • Has severe chronic and persistent symptoms of mental illness.
    • Is unhoused, either staying in a shelter or on the street.

What Are the Benefits of the ACTT Approach?

  • Teams provide services 24/7/365.
  • Teams meet people where they are: If someone is in crisis, team members will go to them to provide treatment.
  • No time limit on services: As long as an individual meets the eligibility criteria, these teams provide support and build services around the scheduling needs of the people they serve.
  • Flexible, responsive treatment plans: Teams meet daily to review the progress of a person’s care, adjusting treatment plans when necessary.
  • Personalized care: Individuals get to know each member of their treatment team so there is always consistency of care.
  • Emphasis on natural supports: These teams include family members and natural supports when appropriate in the development of treatment plans, focusing on improving relationships, healthy conflict resolution, and how to best support people with behavioral health needs.

Who Should I Contact About ACTT Services?

To learn more about ACTT services or make a referral, call 1.800.848.0180.

If you or a loved one are actively experiencing a crisis, reach out to us for contact information for your location.
For all emergencies, call 9-1-1.

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