
Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services

HomeBehavioral Health ServicesDeaf & Hard of Hearing Services

RHA Health Services offers a broad range of behavioral, developmental and therapeutic support programs to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals in an environment free of cultural or language barriers. We serve people who utilize sign language as their primary mode of communication with our statewide Deaf and Hard of Hearing program in North Carolina and via PAHrtners Deaf Services, a division of RHA Health Services in Pennsylvania.

Learn more about our Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services:


RHA’s Deaf & Hard of Hearing program serves all 100 counties in North Carolina through both in-office services and internet-based meeting technology. Services include comprehensive clinical assessment, case coordination and consultation, mental health and substance abuse counseling and therapy, peer support and outreach, as well as education and referral services.


In Pennsylvania, RHA Health Services provides Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services through PAHrtners Deaf Services, a Division of RHA Health Services. PAHrtners offers a wide range of behavioral, developmental and therapeutic support programs to Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals across Pennsylvania in an environment free of cultural or language barriers. We provide community based behavioral and mental health programs for individuals who utilize sign language as their primary mode of communication. Services include supportive living programs, outpatient therapy, psychiatric evaluations, medication management, case management, day programs and community participation supports. Most of our staff members are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Therefore, nearly all PAHrtners employees are fluent in American Sign Language and versed in Deaf culture.

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