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From Clinician to NC Behavioral Health Director – Rachel Kilgore Shares What It’s Like to Work for RHA

March 18, 2024
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Rachel Kilgore, Behavioral Health Director for the Concord and Lexington offices in North Carolina, began her career at RHA providing direct support. Nearly nine years and four positions later, Kilgore interviews and hires candidates to fill a wide variety of Behavioral Health positions in her offices. We interviewed her to learn more about her career path and the available jobs at RHA. 


Why did you apply to work for RHA? 

I love the values, the mission, the core of this company; I love the fact that we treat the people we serve like they are a part of our RHA family.   

During your time working here, have you experienced any opportunities for career advancement? 

One of the things I value most about RHA is the opportunity for growth. I began my career at RHA in Wilmington as a clinician in a facility-based crisis center. I have worked in four different positions, moving from direct support to leadership. This November, I will celebrate 9 years working with RHA, and I’m really proud of that accomplishment. 

What inspires you about your work in Behavioral Health services? 

I’m inspired by seeing the difference we make in individuals’ lives. If RHA’s services did not exist, many people we support would likely be hospitalized, institutionalized, or struggle in some way to find quality of life. We make a huge impact, and I just love being a part of it. My career is rewarding because I get to see and experience the positive outcomes of the individuals we serve. 

Tell me about a favorite memory you have working for RHA. 

While working in Wilmington, one individual consistently came in and out of the facility-based crisis center. Essentially, inpatient detox had become a recurring part of her addiction process. After several admissions, I sat down with her to have a conversation. I asked her about her goals and what she envisioned for her life. She told me that she didn’t care for herself because she didn’t feel like anyone else cared about her. Through further conversation and discussing some treatment options, she decided to explore our Substance Use Intensive Outpatient Program. She successfully graduated! I remember being at the graduation in tears (because that’s just who I am), and I asked her how she was able to successfully graduate from the program. She said that when I, a person who did not know her, showed her empathy and care, she began to want more for her life and to take better care of herself

How would you describe RHA’s work culture and environment? 

RHA allows us the opportunity to expand our wings, learn, grow, and develop. In each office I’ve worked in, I’ve I felt that the culture is that of a work family, not just a workplace. 

Since you are involved in the interview and hiring process, what qualities do you look for in potential candidates? 

I look for people who are honest, trustworthy, and can work both independently and within groups.
Since we rely on every team member to be committed to providing quality services, I look for people who are passionate about the work that we do at RHA. We work with people, so it’s important that potential candidates have a passion and a drive for Behavioral Health services. 

What kinds of jobs are available in Behavioral Health services? 

We are looking to hire many positions! We have open positions for associate professionals, which are entry-level positions for people with bachelor’s degrees. We also have open positions for qualified professionals, which require either a bachelor’s degree in the human service field and two years of experience or a bachelor’s degree in another field and four years of experience. We are always seeking licensed clinicians. We are also always seeking peer support specialists, who are people with first-hand recovery experience willing to help others in recovery. 

Why should someone consider applying to work in Behavioral Health services with RHA? 

RHA is a growing, passionate company. Because we thrive by retaining our employees, RHA offers opportunities for career advancement and incentives for continuing education. Honestly, I have stayed at RHA for almost nine years because I have fun here! I’m loyal to RHA because I believe in this company. I tell anyone who will listen how much I love my job and the people I work with. 

Are you or someone you know seeking a fulfilling opportunity to provide mental health and substance use services? Visit to explore RHA’s open jobs and apply today!