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RHA Behavioral Health North Carolina Issued CARF Accreditation

June 6, 2019
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We are pleased to announce that RHA has received a 3-year accreditation from CARF International for specific programs located at 24 sites in North Carolina. Carmela Phillips, MBA, CCP/Executive Director of Compliance & Quality Assurance for RHA Health Services says, “CARF accreditation of these six key substance use services signifies RHA meets the best practices for clinical and person-centered supports.

This is the highest level we could have received and are proud of the positive
feedback both verbally and in writing regarding the quality of our services.”


Defining Quality & Setting The PACE For Excellence in Health Care



Programs falling under the accreditation

  • • Crisis Stabilization: Mental Health (Adults)
  • • Day Treatment: Alcohol and Other Drugs/Addictions (Adults)
  • • Detoxification/Withdrawal Management: Alcohol & Other Drugs/Addictions (Adults)
  • • Intensive Outpatient Treatment: Alcohol & Other Drugs/Addictions (Adults)
  • • Outpatient Treatment: Integrated: AOD/MH (Adults)
  • • Outpatient Treatment: Integrated: AOD/MH (Children and Adolescents)


Jeanne Duncan, RHA Health Services CEO says, “I want to congratulate the team that worked on the 3-yr CARF accreditation. RHA received a glowing report and this accreditation was a team effort. Job well done.”

RHA has a continued focus on innovation and quality and is also the
longest-standing company with continuous Council on Quality Leadership
(CQL). RHA is CQL accredited for all of our I/DD programs, and most
Behavioral Health programs.

“Your organization should take pride in achieving this high level of accreditation. CARF will recognize this accomplishment in its listing of organizations with accreditation and encourages your organization to make its accreditation known throughout the community”, states CARF International President and CEO, Brian J. Boon, Ph.D.

CARF accreditation has been the recognized benchmark of quality health and human services for more than 50 years.

For more information on CARF & CQL contact:

Carmela E. Phillips, MBA, CCP Executive Director of Compliance & Quality Assurance