RHA Employee Lacretia Hill Named TNCO Outstanding DSP for Western Tennessee

Lacretia Hill, an RHA Health Services group home supervisor at the Dawn Hill home at RHA’s Memphis, TN unit, was named Tennesse Community Organizations’ (TNCO) 2019 Oustanding DSP for Western Tennessee. She was honored at TNCO’s Annual Awards of Excellence Luncheon on October 16.

PHOTO: Lacretia Hill (middle) with her husband Ricardo Hill, Sr. (right) and RHA Administrator Salihah Jenkins (left) at TNCO’s Annual Awards of Excellence Luncheon on October 16.

Lacretia began working with RHA as a direct support professional in 2007 and since that time she has been promoted to group home supervisor.

RHA Administrator Salihah Jenkins wrote of Lacretia in her nomination letter for the TNCO award: “Lacretia cares deeply about her individuals that she supports and goes above and beyond to ensure that they have a good quality of life and that their needs are met. Lacretia Hill with Kevin ScarboroughShe is very well respected by her staff in her leadership role… It is her priority to ensure that the individuals supported are well taken care of and she helps them advocate and learn about their rights on a daily basis. Lacretia ensures that the individuals supported are valued members of their communities… [Lacretia] does her job with dignity and reflects the core values of RHA on a daily basis.”

PHOTO: Lacretia Hill with Kevin Scarborough of TNCO at the annual awards luncheon on October 16.

RHA thanks and celebrates Lacretia for her dedication to the individuals she supports and for being a role model to others.

Tennessee Community Organizations (TNCO) is a statewide trade association for service provider organizations that support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Tennessee.


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